Sunday, May 8, 2016

Heart, Soul And Brain

I don't know what this thing is inside me that feels all the pain in this world
Is my heart?
Or my soul?
Or my brain?
I don't know if this thing inside me that keeps me moving
Tells me to go on
Slog through the muck of other people's scorn or indifference
Is my heart?
Or my soul?
Or my brain?
I don't know which one of them it is that makes me feel it all
And drives me into the face of that harsh rain
To feel it all again
Is it my heart?
My heart feels the torture and discomfort
Is it my soul?
My soul keeps me going when I just want to give up and hide
And my brain?
It wonders what the hell I did to deserve this
And tries with all its might
To quiet
My heart
And my soul
And my brain